Monday, April 17, 2006

More Motivated than Ever!

I just got some bad news about my Uncle. The Dr. that we were so excited that he was going to get to see, didn't have good news......

I went online to try and find some information about Cancer and found some startling stats -
Cancer is the #2 cause of Death in the US, behind Heart Disease
Here is the one that got me -
From birth to death Males have a 45.67% or (1 in 2) chance of Developing Invasive Cancers for Females it is 38.09% or (1 in 3)

Just think about it...Do you know someone who has been affected by Cancer? My guess is that you have, if it wasn't a family member, it was a friend or a co-worker. Everyone has had to deal with this terrible disease!

The only way for us to rid the world of this evil is by getting the worlds researchers the tools they need and the way you and I can do this is by donating. If you don't want to donate to the Lance Armstrong Foundation, then find your favorite cancer charity and donate.

Just for the record - we rode again on Sat morning, same route as last week, but this time 45 min faster.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Let the training begin! Yesterday morning three of us went for an easy paced ride, we rode 28.5 but tried to not go to hard as this was Gina's first real ride of the year (she did great). It was super windy and in the mid 50's, but by the time we were done the sun was out and it was a beautiful day.

Debbie told us when we came back that they found out my Uncle Dan T. has lung cancer. This just gives us more motivation to get out and raise money for the Lanec Armstrong Foundation!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Welcome to our Blog!

As part of our fundraising we will be selling raffle tickets to win a Discovery Channel Jersey autographed by Lance Armstrong. The raffle will take place at this year's Hotter than Hell at the Bicycles Inc tent (Thank you, Scott). I will post a picture of the jersey as soon as I can.